30 Aug
Aubel stage race

I arrived  the day before the  race in Belgium it was a usual lead up to a race with a race activation the day before and spinning out the legs. The only slightly unusual part was that the team did not stay in the usual team house as it had moved as was being renovated. This meant that I was in a shared about with one of my team mates in a town just outside Brussels. And for some reason I had a really bad sleep and for me this plays on my mind a lot so going into the first stage I was a bit apprehensive about how I was going to perform on my lack of sleep but luckily my adrenaline kicked in and I was fine. The race started fast and continued like this but is was very difficult to move up as it was quite narrow roads and a large bunch of around 150 riders this meant that I stayed near the back for the 1st part of the race. Towards the middle and end I stated to move up as I new this is where moves can come as people start to get a bit fatigued. I was in a good spot right at the front just before the race got neutralised as there was not enough ambulances. This got solved and the race continued I was feeling good and looking forward to the final 15km or so and use the momentum that I had gained before the race has been stopped.  I then slipped into a three man move with around 10km to go I had a small intuition that it could work if we worked together and luckily we did all pull threw and we got into the final km with us all together there was a slight drag up hill and something told me to go so I did I created a gap and pushed on  as deep as I could towards the line and Won coming over the line in the air. The sense of happiness was immense as I had known I had a result like this in me but just trying to put all the pieces together. The goal quickly change to try and hold on to it the next day in The TTT we had discussions that night as a team and the next morning but unfortunately we lost the yellow but all was not lost as there was two stages to come. The stage that was the afternoon of the of the TTT we managed to not lose any time which was good. And it did not matter that we did not gain any time as the last stage was very hard. On the Sunday which was the day of the final stage. It was raining heavily this lead the organisers to shorten the stage by 20km. I went into this stage but a lot of positive energy and know that I can win the race. The race stated on flat roads and then hit the hills and never stopped going up and down. Because I was down on time to the lead I had to make a move to try and win and this is exactly what I did . We got a group of around 5 riders all working together trying to form this break but unfortunately it did not pay off. And I got caught by the main pack. I then stayed in this group but people started heading off the front and just could not match their pace up the hill. I came in with what was left of the peloton to claim 6th overall. 

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